Then I will give you shepherds after my own heart, who will lead you with knowledge and understanding.

Jeremiah 3:15

Jon Oettel

Why would someone who is already working as a pastor go back to seminary? When pastoring gets hard, why don't you just go back to your old job that you had before you went into full time ministry? Those are the questions that Jon Oettel faced after ten years in the ministry. Listen to his story and be encouraged by his thoughts on ministry, seminary, and God's call in your life.

What is an “Ordinary Pastor”?

Far from the multi-thousand seat sanctuaries and the large social media followings and the six figure book deals, there are many pastors who labor in relative obscurity, known almost exclusively to their small congregation. Their ministry is not to thousands, but hundreds, maybe only tens of people.

Shepherding a local church can be full of joy and deeply meaningful, but it can also be lonely and discouraging. This series aims to shine a light on the burdens that local pastors shoulder and the responsibility they feel for those in their care.

For more information about this project, email me at